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Modifying your Peter Pan Bus ticket

How to cancel/change your Peter Pan Bus ticket

Johalmy avatar
Written by Johalmy
Updated over a year ago


If you are unable to travel on your scheduled departure date, you can contact Peter Pan Bus Lines directly at +1 (800) 343-9999 or to change your ticket for a fee. You can also change your ticket on Peter Pan's app.

The travel date and time can be exchanged.

For tickets where the original fare is $10.00 and under, the exchange fee is $5. For tickets where the original fare is over $10.00, the exchange fee is $10. A transaction cost of $2.50 – $5.00 per ticket, as well as the difference in cost of your new ticket, will be applied.

The ticket exchange must take place at least two (2) hours before the departure time (and date) specified on the original ticket.

All tickets are non-exchangeable within 2 hours of departure and after the bus has departed. Departure/Arrival locations cannot be changed.


If you choose to cancel the ticket or to not travel, the cost of the ticket will not be refunded. As stated on the check-out page and in the terms and conditions agreed to upon checkout and once more on the email sent with the attached ticket: All tickets are non-refundable.

If you purchased travel insurance with Allianz when you booked your ticket and are unable to travel due to a reason covered in your policy, you can file a claim for reimbursement - see details here.

Have more questions about traveling with Peter Pan? Check out our blog post about how to read your Peter Pan ticket.

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