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Why did one of my trip legs fail?
Why did one of my trip legs fail?

Issues with second or return trip booking. Missing one of my tickets.

Johalmy avatar
Written by Johalmy
Updated over a week ago

All tickets purchase through Wanderu are for single one-way trip legs. When booking through Wanderu you may decide to create a round trip itinerary or to select one of the multi-carrier self transfer trip options with 2 or more carriers, this can result in a completed itinerary involving up to 4 different trip legs with the same or multiple carriers.

As stated on the checkout page: "Your booking will be processed as 2, 3 or 4 individual trips. You will receive separate one-way tickets for each leg of your journey issued directly by each carrier."

The bookings are processed individually because each provider has their own payment system and in order to avoid any financial discrepancies, each transaction is programed to go through with the respective carrier, one at a time.

Unfortunately errors may occasionally occur, the most common include:

  • Invalid billing information - Most Common - Not all carriers use the same fraud monitoring tools and some carriers may not care if you entered a wrong phone number, while others may decline your transaction if all of the information is not 100% correct.

  • Fraud alerts - Common with some carriers - When purchases occur within seconds of one another on the same credit card, this can sometimes raise red flags for both your bank and also the train/bus carrier on potential credit card fraud. If this is detected, your bank and the train/bus carrier will halt your card for your security.

  • Internet browser time outs - Rare - Commonly due to unstable internet connection such as using Data and Wifi simultaneously or walking around while the processing screen is still active. Can also be caused by x-ing out of the blue processing screen or refreshing the page by mistake.

  • Processing delays - Rare - Usually caused when one of the carriers' system takes too long processing your payment and the connection breaks.

  • Price change and availability issues - Extremely rare - It is usually only seen on same day travel purchases (departing very close to the purchase time) or when a user takes a very long time to complete the checkout process.

So what can you do?

  1. If the error was due to invalid billing information or due to a fraud alert, you will be taken back to the checkout page to correct your data and try again. Do Not refresh the page or change your credit card information at this time. You can update your billing name, address, zip code or phone number and click on the purchase button and only the missing portion of your trip will process. If you change your credit card information you may end up re-booking the entire trip, including your successful trip legs.

    1. Do not repeatedly retry your purchase, if you receive an error message, check your bank statement to confirm if you were charged, check your email inbox, spam and promo folders to verify if you received your tickets or not.

    2. For Fraud Alerts, contact your bank and let them know that you are attempting to purchase tickets in multiple transactions and make sure they will authorize the charges to go through.

    3. If you have a charge that is pending/processing but you received an error message confirming the transaction was declined, that pending hold will be removed once your bank reconciles the decline.

  2. For internet browser time outs, processing delays and price/availability errors:

    1. Check your email inbox, spam and promo folders to verify if you received your tickets or not and which of the trips you are missing.

    2. Confirm if you have been charged for the missing tickets or not.

    3. Search for the missing portions of your trips and try again without the successful parts of your itinerary.

    4. When trying again, we suggest waiting 15 minutes, and using a different internet browser or clearing the cache and cookies from your current internet browser.

    5. DO NOT REBOOK THE ENTIRE TRIP AGAIN, as you may end up purchasing duplicate non-refundable tickets.

Additional Assistance

If you need help finding a specific trip in your itinerary or would like for us to help you confirm which trips went through and which ones need to be rebooked. Please reach out to our team before you try again and they will be happy to help!

You rebooked your trip and now have duplicate tickets?

Please Contact Your Carrier, they may be willing to make an exception and cancel one of the duplicates for you. If you were charged by Wanderu, that is to say, the charge on your billing statement says "WANDERU", please email us for assistance.

Travel Insurance

If you originally opted to purchase the optional travel insurance policy with Allianz and your itinerary reservation did not complete, you can add the travel insurance to your second attempt instead. Once you have done this and have checked out, make sure you access your policy via the email you received and update the coverage dates on your policy to include both your departure and return trip dates (if applicable) or the start and end dates of your trip (for trips taking more than 24 hrs).

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